
本站的所有文章都默认为英文,中文版本由Google Translate 翻译。 由于时间限制,并非所有文章都有中文版本。 Port Dover 多佛港 多佛港是一个非建制社区,前身是一座城镇,位于加拿大安大略省诺福克县,伊利湖北岸。 根据 2021 年人口普查,该市人口约为 8000 人。 总体印象 多佛港是一个可爱的小海滩小镇。小镇很小,安静而美丽。它有着丰富的捕鱼历史,令人惊讶的是,它还拥有陶器制作的历史。 距离汉密尔顿约一小时车程。这是一个养家的好地方。 沿着 6 号高速公路行驶,可以欣赏到安大略省南部的美景。 海滩和灯塔 我去多佛港的时候天是下雨天,天气晴朗的时候,湖泊和海滩的景色应该会更美。 多佛港港口博物馆 多佛港有一座可爱的小博物馆,是了解该镇丰富历史的好地方。 谁能想到多佛港曾经有一项蓬勃发展的向美国(宾夕法尼亚州伊利市)出口酒精的生意? ...

November 15, 2024 · 1 min · 24 words · Justin Hu


本站的所有文章都默认为英文,中文版本由Google Translate 翻译。 由于时间限制,并非所有文章都有中文版本。 阿冈昆省立公园 阿冈昆省立公园是安大略省最古老的省立公园,成立于 1893 年。 它的面积高达 7,653 平方公里,比加拿大最小的省份爱德华王子岛(5660 平方公里)还要大。根据公园官方网站上的常见问题解答,它的面积也与美国特拉华州和罗德岛州的总面积差不多。 总体印象 它很大。它非常巨大,景色令人惊叹。 公园里有这么多不同的湖泊、小溪、小径和森林。 驾车穿过阿冈昆(60号高速公路)是一种极大的乐趣。享受美丽大自然中的宁静。 瞭望步道 深秋/初冬的阿冈昆依然美丽得令人惊叹,一种不同寻常的美。 阿冈昆伐木博物馆 阿冈昆有大约 200 年的伐木历史。它最初是一个伐木目的地,后来扩展为省立公园,用于休闲娱乐。在现代机械锯和卡车发明之前,伐木是一项艰苦的工作,许多人在阿冈昆伐木时丧生。阿冈昆伐木博物馆是一条美丽的户外小径,讲述了阿冈昆伐木的历史及其 200 年的演变和发展。 ...

November 14, 2024 · 1 min · 24 words · Justin Hu


Hamilton Hamilton is a port city in the Canadian province of Ontario. General impressions: a beautiful small city McMaster University Dundurn Castle Red Hill Valley Trail

November 12, 2023 · 1 min · 26 words · Justin Hu


Montreal Montreal is located by the riverside of the St. Lawrence River and is the second most populous city in Canada. Of course, French is the city’s official language. General Impressions: Downtown Montreal is built on hills; so a lot of uphills and downhills while wandering around in the city center; Montreal gives people a feeling of cleanness; the homeless issue is less severe compared to other major cities like Toronto and Ottawa; There are a lot of stunningly beautiful churches in the city; Unlike Ontario, vehicles in Montreal only have a rear plate; A lot of pedestrians don’t follow traffic lights when crossing the roads; Saint-Catherine St is a pedestrian-only street with tons of shops, bars and restaurants and is a good place to visit; ...

September 28, 2023 · 1 min · 205 words · Justin Hu


Ottawa, the capital city of Canada, is located at the confluence of Ottawa River and Rideau River. Ottawa My general impressions of the city: Ottawa is a much smaller city, compared to Toronto, understandably; Ottawa is full of the PRIDE vibe; rainbow flags and crossings can be seen frequently, at least when I visited the city; Ottawa, like other cities, also has a severe homeless crisis, which damages the city’s image; Ottawa is little boring since the economy is mainly driven by the Canadian government, which happens to be the largest employer in Ottawa; Ottawa’s public transit, OC Transpo, is still developing; good news is that it accepts Presto or Visa/Mastercard credit card; Ottawa is a more bilingual city and French is more widely used, compared to Toronto which is a more English city; ...

September 26, 2023 · 2 min · 312 words · Justin Hu