
The Name

The name LogischerMix comes from the book Logicomix: An Epic Search for Truth, a fantastic book recommended by one of my professors at the business school.

LogischerMix is the German translation of Logicomix, for the domain name of Logicomix has already been registered, and I believe the book name is also copyright protected.

Tech Stack

I have been writing and blogging for about 8 years. Starting with blogging platforms, I once wrote my blogging app with Java and experimented with CMS like WordPress for some time.

Ultimately, I find that my core need here is a place to reflect and write about my thoughts. All those solutions cost too much energy to configure and maintain, leading to no time and mental energy to write after work.

I decided this time should be different. After some research, I determine a static site is the best option. With a static website, I don’t need to care about the database, hosting server, and other technical details and can focus on writing. I must focus on the core mission and reducing energy consumption as much as possible.

As a result, this site leverages the famous and influential Hugo framework with the LoveIt theme and is deployed to Cloudflare CDN directly. GitHub hosts the source code, and commits to the repo would trigger the build and deploy pipeline.


For this site, I hope to bring high-quality, in-depth content. Consequently, it is unrealistic to set a goal of 50+ or 100 + articles per year.

I aim to produce 10 articles annually, with thorough study, research, and thinking for each piece.